Gender-based violence (GBV) within their families

Dr. Blaise has taken the initiative to empower men by providing them with invaluable knowledge and skills to effectively prevent gender-based violence (GBV) within their families. With a strong emphasis on the pivotal roles that men play within their households, Dr. Blaise has highlighted the importance of creating an environment where their partners feel secure, content, and valued. Through informative sessions and practical guidance, Dr. Blaise has equipped men with the necessary tools to foster open communication, cultivate healthy relationships, and promote a sense of safety and happiness in their partners’ lives.

By emphasizing the significance of empathy, respect, and understanding, participants have gained a deeper appreciation for the impact their actions and behaviors can have on their families’ overall well-being. Dr. Blaise’s efforts have not only raised awareness about the crucial role men play in preventing GBV but have also instilled a sense of responsibility and accountability among participants.

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